Esther’s Space- journey through my life

January 19, 2007

Week One-Introduction

Filed under: Uncategorized — estherspace @ 5:24 pm

    I chose English as my major primarily because it was the one subject that I both enjoyed and was good at. I was a capable math, science, and history student, but found it much easier to relate to literature. Through further pursuing the topic, I am (was?) hoping to develop a greater understanding of why people choose to write, how literature is both a product of society and a means of legitimizing it, and how this form of expression can continue to be embraced by everyone and not simply forgotten as an antiquated medium. Thus far I have been excited and inspired by the studies I have done in English. Throughout my courses we have focused on the historical events and cultures that surround every author and writing, which helps to put everything in a certain perspective, and it helps me to recognize the different lenses that authors are using, as well as those I am employing in reaction to different topics and styles. As for the idea that literature is being forgotten as an antiquated form of entertainment, I am putting all of my hope into the primary school system. I work at the public library and see patrons every day that check out five DVDs each visit (sometimes more than once per day) and never lay a finger on a book.

My English studies have been largely focused on classic authors such as Jane Austen, Chaucer, Shakespeare, and Henry Fielding. The common denominator of these authors and their works is that have all been accepted as a part of the literary canon, and share the characteristic of universal recognition of their merit as works of literature.

Often, newer authors are given less consideration in studies of English literature. Authors such as Toni Morrison, Cormac McCarthy, or Zora Neale Hurston.

Through formally studying literature, as well as the theory and criticism that is used to bind it, I have been able to further develop my own attitudes and approaches towards particular styles or ideas. I especially appreciate being able to apply a title to my own views and ideas, because then, once I feel that they have been defined, I have the freedom to go further into my investigations. Before having a clear idea of how to approach literature or what lenses I was using, I often felt as though I was travelling blindly into criticism and had no idea where to begin. Now that I feel like I have an established foundation, I am more confident about analyzing literature.

I’m not sure that I’ve articulated my thoughts very well, but I’m hoping that at least someone else has an idea of what I’m talking about and can relate.

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